0114 2939586 / 01909 483311


The KOBO range of elastomeric couplings are fully interchangeable with standard couplings used throughout all industry.The KOBO range of elastomeric couplings are fully interchangeable with standard couplings used throughout all industry. The couplings consist of two cast iron hubs which are connected by an elastomeric six leg spider (flexible component). They are available in eight sizes.
The flexible element can accomodate a higher degree of misalignment.
Parallel missalignment upto 0.5mm Axial misalignment upto 1.7mm
Because of their superior design KOBO – HRC Couplings can accommodate larger shaft sizes
which makes them a more economical proposition.
ECONOMY - The design has been optimised so that the power capacities are balanced to the appropriate shaft diameters utilising taper bore fixings.
RESILIENCE - Transient peak loads are reduced by a flexible component, deflection of which is a prime design consideration.
MISALIGNMENT - Incidental parallel, angular and axial displacement of the connected shafts can be accomodated
INSTALLATION - Quick and easy without special tools, only an allen key is required.
MAINTENANCE - Virtually eliminated and no lubrication required.
ENVIRONMENT - The elastomeric component makes the coupling suitable for use in most conditions with a temperature range of -40C TO +100C.
POSITIVE - In the unlikely event of the flexible component being destroyed, the drive will be maintained by the interaction of dogs which are integral with the flanges
Click for Dimensions http://kobo.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Dimensions-1.pdf